
UWCEA Databases

Terms and Conditions

The UWCEA Database software comprises a number of different modules (eg UWCEA Apply, UWCEA Life, Learn, Bank, Health, Employ, Alumni, Fees Accounts, and Services). Different users may be granted access to only some modules or some parts of modules according to need.
Only authorised members of staff of UWC East Africa, or students either enrolled in UWCEA or applying to join, or their parents, may use any parts of the UWCEA database software;
In addition Alumni may access their own records in the Alumni database, and prospective teachers or other professional applicants may apply for a position through UWCEA Employ.
All users will login to the software using their designated username or email address and chosen password or pass phrase.

By logging in to this site, you confirm that you accept the conditions of use as follows:
"I hereby confirm that I am authorised to access the data held in this system.
I will regard all information that I obtain here as confidential and I undertake not to use or disclose any such information to any individual, except where it is necessary or appropriate to do so in a professional context or, in the case of a parent or student, in the context of my family needs.
I undertake not to disclose my user name or password to any other individual except the system administrator.
I agree to all Terms and Conditions set out in this document."

Parents, students, alumni and applicants provide data to the school from nearly all areas of the world and this data is securely stored by us on hosted servers in the USA; by providing data to this site or to any UWCEA database, users consent to their data being securely stored and processed with our servers in the USA.

Any information obtained through this system is confidential to UWCEA and a user may not disclose, in any form, any information obtained here, except as permitted and necessary as a part of his/her role within the school.

No user is permitted to give their username and password to another person or to permit another person to use their password.
In particular it is essential that parents/guardians do not allow their children to have access to their own parental passwords, as this would significantly hinder the School in effectively accepting legal liability for the students in their care.
The school cannot accept legal liability for any permission or instruction received from a parent or guardian when the parent's/guardian's account had been accessed by their child or by an agent acting for their child in contravention of these terms and conditions.
In addition, every user will take all reasonable steps to secure his/her password, including ensuring that the password is not automatically saved in a device which others may be able to access.

By using this software, students agree only to access the data made available regarding themselves, and not to access the data of other students.
Students additionally agree never to log in (or allow their agent to log in) as if they were a parent/guardian/sponsor/teacher or other user in order to access functions reserved for other users.
Parents agree to only access the data available regarding their own children, and not to access the data of other students. Both students and parents will agree to immediately report to the School any error in the software which may inadvertently give them access to the data of another student or user, if this should occur.
Alumni agree to only access the data entered regarding themselves.

Information contained within the UWCEA Databases, is obtained either directly from students/parents/teachers/alumni, or through other sources (including historically through Toddle, ManageBac or OpenApply) through which parents and/or students, alumni have consented to the school holding that data and using it as needed. A variety of data will be collected and stored, all of which is required to protect the interests of our students, parents, staff and alumni and to assist the smooth and efficient running of the school. Examples of the types of data held include:
• gate passes issued to students,
• data on school trips in which students participate,
• pastoral data entered by UWCEA staff,
• noted student attendance at specified roll calls,
• profile pictures uploaded at student/parent request,
• uploaded birth certificates, student passports and student passes,
• previous school records provided by parents/guardians,
• work submitted by students as part of their learning requirements,
• assessment and progress results of students,
• student membership of school groups,
• student health information provided by parents/guardians,
• student visits to the Health Centre and medical notes recorded during visits,
• parental consent information provided by parents/guardians,
• accounts of fees transactions including all invoices and receipts,
• accounts of school bank transactions including all deposits and withdrawals,
• contact details of students, parents/guardians/sponsors (including emergency contacts), alumni
• personal documents of employees or candidates for employment uploaded by themselves, or references obtained with candidate permission,
• employment records of employees including contracts, leave, correspondence, meeting records and permits/licences
The address from which users log into the system is also recorded along with the date and time of last login and any activity carried out whilst the user is logged in.

UWC East Africa is committed to ensuring that users are accorded their rights regarding data stored by the School as determined by the Personal Data Protection Act No. 11 of 2022 of Tanzania and any subsequent amendments to this Act. Under the terms of this Act, users have the following rights:
  • Right to be informed of data collection and processing as well as the purpose involved;
  • Right to access the personal data collected and processed;
  • Right to object to the processing of personal data collected where such processing will lead to adverse impacts;
  • Right to rectify personal data to ensure its accuracy;
  • Right not to be subject to automated decision-making. A data subject has the right to instruct that decisions made by data collectors and processors on their behalf should not be arrived at, solely based on automated processing; and
  • Right to compensation.

  • All personal sensitive data is stored in encrypted form and there are strict controls on who may view which data.
    Students/parents can access data pertaining to themselves/their children by logging in to this software. A student (over the age of 18, or parent otherwise) may ask to have all their data anonymised when more than three full years have passed since their departure from the school - this can be done by sending an email to the school at our designated email address. In the case of financial data, this period of three years commences either when the student leaves the school, or when all financial obligations to the school and/or parents have been fully settled, whichever date is the later. Note that, if a student's data is anonymised on request, the school will be unable to respond to any future requests for documentation including reports, transcripts or references.

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